Exporting Pocket Casts starred episodes

I wish I could recommend Pocket Casts, a free and open source podcast player. I don't, however.

This is the code that I developed to export my listening history from Pocket Casts. Figure it out.

The exporter

Logging in: Retrieving your JWT

The header and payload properties could be memoized. It would only take a little bit of code, but still too much to be considered worth it. It's not clear that that would optimal, besides. Use destructuring assignment (like the way it's done in PocketCastsJWT.from) if it's a concern.

It would be useful to track all JWTs that PocketCastsJWT retrieves from the server (read: passively aggregate a collection of them), so as to make them available for re-inspection and minimize chatter that might be considered a nuisance (or raise flags) at the server. It's not hard to get something like that to work. Viz:

(You might wonder, "Wait, why not subclass PocketCastsJWT and get the Interceptor to fix up the symbols — or do the fixup directly in main (see below)?" That's a good question; perhaps that would be better. I didn't do it like that, though.)

It's useful, too, to be able to get confirmation of success or failure when tokens are retrieved by seeing evidence of their existence by having them automatically logged at the time of retrieval. We've already placed an onscribe hook in the interceptor.

Getting your stars (as JSON) using your JWT

For EpisodeCollection, the "shape" of intended use matches the same pattern that PocketCastsJWT is supposed to follow. They both have retrieval methods. The idea being that you can obtain a JWT (based on the server response to the JWT retrieval method) and use it to empower/entrust (i.e. authorize) the creation of a EpisodeCollection — the contents of which is also dependent upon how the server responds to its retrieval request.

(Note that we don't make the retrieval for the star collection pass a similar checkOrigin test of the sort used for the JWT. We could, and if we were being thorough, we would probably refactor things to do that. We're far from being thorough here, though.)

Making sure the JWT stays fresh

Access tokens have a short expiry.

Getting the data out

The live export object will have all the data when the process is finished, but without a reference to the object, the data will be impossible to access.

The idea with DataExportHelper, like the Interceptor from before, is that its attach method allows dynamically overriding the behavior of a previous class definition (in this case PocketCastsStarsExport by default) so that e.g. calls to PocketCastsStarsExport.start will result in a little extra code running that will print out a URI (to the browser console, or whatever controls the console object) that can be used to inspect the user data.

Some startup and initialization

The point of the definitions in the script blocks we've seen has been for them to be inert — they're just simple class specifications that don't actually do anything unless you're doing something with the objects; evaluation of all the preceding script blocks puts their definitions in scope, but in the case of the Interceptor and the JWTLogger at least, things need to be fixed up so they can can actually do their job when objects are actually being interacted with. The same is true of DataExportHelper.


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