For Good Measure

Things and doing

by Colby Russell. 2021 February 13.

If I don't have the time budget to Do The Thing, it doesn't make sense for you to assume that the budget exists to have a conversation about Doing The Thing, where I describe how I would do it if I did have the time.

(This shouldn't be difficult to understand. Think about the amount of time each would take. If the cost of the latter is the same or greater than the cost of former, then...?)

This seems pretty basic to the point that I'd think it should go without saying. It's abundantly, frustratingly clear to me, though, that for some people, it does need saying—which of course is a problem, since there is no time for it.

Hopefully this explanation helps. Most likely, though? It won't.

New rule for technical discussions

by Colby Russell. 2020 December 7.

Here's a new rule for technical discussions: any time someone introduces a metaphor or analogy, it ends with them—that is, the analogy is only in play for the duration of the message where it is first introduced. If you engage the point being made by trying to build upon the analogy or recast it with some tweaks in order to make a counterpoint, then you automatically lose. (In a truth-seeking discussion, this amounts to forfeiting your attempt and being obligated to try again.) The game of "strain the analogy" is neither useful nor fun.


by Colby Russell. 2020 May 14.

JavaScript is a programming language. NodeJS is not. It's the substrate that the NPM ecosystem runs on.

The kneejerk comment from the JS hater you're responding to may not have been made with that distinction in mind, but a distinction exists.

It's very much a possibility that the JS hater uses Firefox. Firefox is implemented using an Emacs-like architecture. The Firefox codebase includes millions of lines of JS, and that's been the case since before the language was JITted. For Firefox 1.0, 2.5, and 2.0, I used to run it every day on an 800MHz PIII with 128 MB (later 192 MB, wow-wee!) of RAM. The JS in the Firefox codebase wasn't written in the NodeJS style, and if it had been, that would have made it a non-starter.

Kneejerk JS haters are tiring, but so is the complicitness of NodeJS advocates in conflating JS with the NodeJS ecosystem.

PSA: wikis

by Colby Russell. 2020 May 13.

If you have a wiki and in your contributor instructions you say to:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch for your changes
  3. Edit or add the markdown file for the page that you want to change
  4. Commit with an appropriate message
  5. Submit a PR

... then you don't have a wiki.

@index and @location tags for documentation generators

by Colby Russell. 2020 May 10.

(I'm including below two entries from my paper journal from 2015.)

2015 March 12

One of the worst parts about trying to introduce yourself to the source of a new project is grappling with the source layout. I think I've struck upon an approach to dealing with this.

I propose two new tags for documentation generators: @location and @index.

@location should be used to explain why a file is where it is. To be used judiciously. (I'm hesitant to say "sparingly", since that's usually taken to mean "don't use this", and that's not what I mean.)

@index can be used to document the source tree layout. We have @fileoverview, but that does little to explain the rationale behind directory structure. Use @index within a single file within a directory to delegate this responsibility to that file. Can be combined with @location or @fileoverview.

2015 May 17

I'd like a source code inspector.

I wrote on 2015 March 12 about some extensions to javadoc-/doxygen-style annotation schemes, to explain how @location and @index tags could used to better document codebases.

Specifically, the problem I'm referring to is this: I get a link to a repo and am presented with a file tree and sometimes a README. The README is sometimes helpful, sometimes not. When I'm digging through the source tree in either case, what's not helpful is the three-column table presentation of $DIRECTORY_OR_FILE_NAME, $RECENT_COMMIT_MESSAGE, $RECENT_COMMIT_DATE, where the commit is the one that last changed that particular file/directory.

(Really, I have no idea why this is so prevalent in web-based version control frontends. It seems like it has to be a case of, "Well, this is just what these sorts of things always look like...", without regard for whether it's helpful or if it ever made any sense at all.)

What I'd like to see in its place is a one-liner for each entry in the file tree, to describe the source layout. This is harder to do for directories, which is why I proposed @location and @index.

@index + @fileoverview associates the annotations for the file containing them with the directory that the file appears in, in addition to the file itself.

@index + @location can be used if the file's @location annotation is a good way to describe the parent directory.

Uncombined @index with argtext of its own can be used where neither the file's own @location nor its @fileoverview are good candidates for describing the parent directory.

[For @index-as-a-modifier, it should either appear on the same line as the associated @location or @fileoverview tag, or it can appear on a line by itself, with no argtext of its own, in which case it modifies whatever tagspec preceded it.]

I'm also considering the idea of using a filename argument to the @index annotation, for deferring to some other file like so: @index README.markdown—where the README could contain a source layout section to describe things. E.g.:

== Source layout ==

@index README.markdown  
* foo/ - Short description of foo/ goes here...
* bar/ - Description of baz/
  * baz/ - likewise...

'@index.  ' could be used as shorthand, so repeating the name of the file isn't necessary, and would guard against file moves. Sophisticated markdown viewers could hide the tag and/or turn the directory labels into live links. NB: The two trailing spaces at the end when @index is used this way (i.e. inside a markdown file) MUST be included; the treatment of LF/CRLF in GitHub-flavored markdown is a sin.

[To distinguish between the argtext-as-description and argtext-as-delegate for @index, the rule would be "If it looks like a file name, then it's a file, otherwise it's freeform text". ("Looks like a file name" isn't as hard as it sounds; the contents of a given directory are knowable/known.)]

May integration

by Colby Russell. 2019 May 15.

In February, I mentioned that I would be adopting a writing regimen where I publish all material on any subject I've given thought to writing up that month, and to do so regardless of whether I've actually sat down and finished a "proper" writeup for it.

What's the point of something like this? It's like continuous integration for the stuff in your head. For example, the faster binaries nugget included here in this brain dump is something I'm able to trace back to a thought I'd sketched out on paper back in April 2015, and even then I included a comment to myself about how at the time I thought I'd already had it written down somewhere else, but had been unable to find it.

This is inspired in part by Nadia Egbhal's "Things that happened in $MONTH" newsletter, but the subject matter is more closely aligned with samsquire's One Hundred Ideas For Computing.

Having said that all that, I didn't actually end up doing anything like this for March or April, due to a car accident. But here is this month's.

Sundry subdirectories

When working on software projects, I used to keep a p/ directory in the repo root and add it to .git/info/exclude. It's a great way to dump a lot of stuff specific to you and your machine into the project subtree without junking up the output of git status or the risk of accidentally committing something you didn't need to. (You don't want to use .gitignore because it's usually version-controlled.)

I had a realization a while back that I could rename these p/ directories to .../, and I've been working that like for several months now. I like this a lot better, both because it will be hidden in the directory listings (just like . and ..), and because the ellipsis's natural language connotations of being associated with "sundry" items. It feels right. And I have to admit, p/ was pretty arbitrary. I only picked it because it was unlikely to clash with any top-level directory in anything I clone, and because it's short. ("p" stood for "personal".)

Aspirational CVs

Here's an idea for a trend:

Fictional CVs as a way to signal the kinds of things you'd like to work on.

Jane is churning out React/whatever frontend work for her employer or clients. What she'd like to be doing is something more fulfilling. She's interested in machine learning, and she's maybe even started on a side project that she spends some personal time on, but she's often tired or burnt out and doesn't get to work as much on it as she'd like.

So one day when Jane is frustrated with work and has her thoughts particularly deep in chasing some daytime fantasy about getting paid to do something closer to her heart's desire, she cranks out an aspirational CV. Mostly therapeutic, but partly in the hopes that it will somehow enable her to actually go work on something like she describes in CV the entry.

In her aspirational CV, Jane writes from a far future perspective, where at some point in the not-too-distant future (relative to present day), she ran into an opportunity to switch onto the track in her career that turned out to be the start of the happiest she's ever been in her professional life. The fictional CV entry briefly summarizes her role and her accomplishments on that fantasy team, as well as a sort of indicator of a timeline where she was in that position.

Two weeks later, back in the real world, someone in Jane's company emails her to say they saw her aspirational CV that she posted on social media. They checked out her side project, too, and they want to know if she'd be available to chat about a transfer to work on a new project for a team that's getting put together.

Software finishing

I like sometimes in fiction where they present a plausible version of the world we live in, but it differs just slightly in some quaint or convenient way.

It's now widely recognized that global IT infrastructure often depends on software that is underfunded or even has no maintainer at all. Consider, though, the case of a software project whose development activity tapers off because it has reached a state of being "finished".

Maybe in an alternate universe there exists an organization—or some sort of loosely connected movement—that focuses on software comprehensibility as a gift to the world and for future generations. The idea is that once software approaches doneness, the org would pour effort into fastidiously eliminating hacks around the codebase in lieu of rewrites that presents the affected logic in a way that's clearer. This work would extend to getting compiler changes upstream that allows the group to judiciously cull constructs of dubious readability so that they may be replaced with such passages, which may have previously been not as performant but that now work just as well as the sections being replaced, without any penalty at runtime.

For example, one of the cornerstones of the FSF/GNU philosophy is that it focuses on maximizing benefit to the user. What could be more beneficial to a user of free software than ensuring that its codebase is clean and comprehensible for study and modification?

Free software is not enough

In the spirit of Why Open Source Misses The Point Of Free Software, as well as a restatement of Adam Spitz's Open Source Is Not Enough—but this time without the problematic use of the phrase "open source" that might be a red herring and cause someone who's not paying attention to mistake it for trying to make the same point as Stallman in the former essay.

Free software is not even enough.

Consider the case of some bona fide spyware that ships on your machine, except it's licensed as GPLv3. It meets the FSF's criteria for the definition of free software, but is it? You wouldn't mistake this for being software that's especially concerned for the user.

Now consider the case of a widely used software project, released under a public domain-alike license, by a single maintainer who works on it unpaid as a labor of love, except its codebase is completely incomprehensible to anyone except the original maintainer. Or maybe no one can seem to get it to build, not for lack of trying but just due to sheer esotericism. It meets the definition of free software, but how useful is it to the user if it doesn't already do what they want it to, and they have no way to make it do so?

Related reading:

"Sourceware" revisited

The software development world need a term for software with publicly disclosed source code.

We're at this weird point, 20 years out from when the term "open source" was minted, and there are people young and old who don't realize that it was made up for a specific purpose and that it has a specific meaning—people are extrapolating their (sometimes incorrect) misunderstandings just based on what the words "open" and "source" mean.

That's a shame, because it means that open source loses, and we lose "open source" (as useful term of art).

The terms "source available" and "shared source" have been available (no pun intended), but don't see much use, even by those organizations using that model, which distressingly sometimes ends up being referred to as "open source" when it's not.

For lack of a better term, I'll point to the first candidate that the group who ultimately settled on "open source" first considered: "sourceware". That is, used here to refer to software that is distributed as source, regardless of what kind of license is actually attached to it and what rights it confers to recipients. If it's published in source code form, then it's sourceware.

The idea is to give us something like what we have in the Chomsky hierarchy for languages.

So we get a Venn diagram is of the nested form.

... additionally, continuing the thought from above (in "Free software is not enough"), we probably need to go one step deeper for something that also incorporates Balkan's thoughts on the human experience in ethical design.


Configuration as code can't capture everything. DNS hosts are notorious for every service having their own bespoke control panel to manage records, for example.

In other engineering disciplines outside of Silicon Valley-dominated / GitHub cowboy coder software development, checklists and paper trails play an important role.

So when you make a change, let's say to a piece of infrastructure, and that change is not able to captured in source control, log a natural language description of the changes that were made. Or, if that's too difficult, you could consider maintaining a microblog written from first person perspective of (say) the website that's undergoing changes.

"Oh boy, I'm getting switched over to be hosted on Keybase instead of Neocities."

Orthogonally engineered REST APIs

Sometimes web hosts add a special REST API. You probably don't need to do this! If the types of sites you're hosting are non-dynamic sites, it would suffice if you were to implement HTTP fully and consistently.

For an example (of a project that I like): Neocities uses special endpoints for its API. If I want to add a file, I can POST a JSON payload, encoding the path and the file contents, to the /api/upload endpoint.

But if my site is and I want to upload a new file foo/bar.png, the first choice available to me should be an HTTP PUT for No site-specific API required. Similarly for HTTP DELETE. HTTP also has support for a "list" operation—by way of WebDAV (which is a part of HTTP), which Neocities already supports. I shouldn't need to mention here that having a separate WebDAV endpoint from the "main" public-facing webserver isn't necessary either. But I've seen a lot of places do this, too.

These changes all work for sites like Neocities, because there is a well-defined payloads and namespace mapping, although it doesn't necessarily work as well for a site like Glitch which allows arbitrary user code to register itself to act as handler code on the server (but if the user's Glitch project is a static site known not to have its own request handling code in the form of a NodeJS script activated by package.json, then why not!)

Also could work for and, so long they pass along enough metadata in the request headers to prove that the content was signed by the keyholder. In the case of Hashbase, it'd be something similar to but not the same as Authorization: Bearer header, except with the header value encoding some delta for the server to derive a new view of the dat's Merkle tree. In the case of, whatever kbfs passes along to the Keybase servers.

You don't need bespoke APIs. (Vanilla) HTTP is your API.

Lessons from hipsterdom applied to the world of computing

I'm half joking here. But only half.

escape.hatch — artisanal devops deployments

People, even developers, are hesitant to pay for software. People pay for services, though. Sometimes, they won't be willing to pay for services in instances where they see their payments as an investment and are trepidatious about whether the business they're handing over money to is actually going to be around next year. That is, if a service exists for $20 per year, it's not enough to satisfy someone by giving them 1 year of service in exchange for $20 in 2019. They want that plus some sort of feeling of security that if they take you up on what you're selling, then you're going to be around long enough that they can give you money next year, too (and ideally, the next year after that, and so on).

People—especially the developer kinds of people—are especially wary of backend services that aren't open source. Often, they don't want to cut you out and run their own infrastructure, but they want the option of running their own infrastructure. They like the idea of being free to do so, even though they probably never will.

escape.hatch would specialize in artisinal devops deployments. Every month, you pay them, and in return they send you a sheet of handwritten notes. The notes contain a private link to a video (screencast) where they check out the latest version of the backend they specialize in, build it, spin up an instance on some commodity cloud compute service, and turn everything over to you. The cloud account is yours, you have its credentials, and it's your instance to use and abuse. The next month, escape.hatch's devops artisans will do the same thing. The key here is the handwritten notes and the content of the video showing off your "handwoven" deployment—like a sort of certificate.

The artisans will be incentivized to make sure that builds/deployments are as painless and as easy as possible and also that their services are resource efficient, because they're only able to take home the difference between what you pay monthly and what the cloud provider's cut is for running your node. (Or maybe not, in the case of a plan whose monthly price scales with use.)

Consumers, on the other hand, will be more likely to purchase services because they reason to themselves after watching the screencasts every month, "I could do all that, if I really needed to." In reality, although the availability of this escape hatch makes them feel secure, they will almost definitely never bother with cancelling the service and taking on the burden of maintenance.

(NB: the .hatch TLD doesn't actually exist)

microblogcasts — small batch podcasts

Improvements to man

I want to be able to trivially read the man pages for a utility packaged in my system's package repositories, even when that utility is not installed on my system. I'm probably trying to figure out whether it's going to do what I need or not; I don't want to install it just to read it and find out that it doesn't. I don't want to search it out, either.

Additionally, the info/man holy war is stupid. Every piece of software should have an in-depth info-style guide and and man-like quick reference. It's annoying to look up the man pages for something only to find that it's got full chapters, just like it's annoying to find that no man page exists because the GNU folks "abhor" them.

But I don't want to use the info system to browse the full guide. (It's too unintuitive for my non-Emacs hands.) I want to read it in the thing I use to browse stuff. You know―my browser.

Also, Bash should stop squatting on the help keyword. Invoking help shouldn't be limited to telling me about the shell itself. That should be reserved for the system-wide help system. C'mon.

Dependency weening

As a project matures, it should gradually replace microdependencies with vendored code tailored for callers' actual use cases.

Don't give up the benefits of code re-use for bootstrapping. Instead start out using dependencies as just that: a bootstrapping strategy.

But then gradually shed these dependencies on third-party code as the project's needs specialize—and you find that the architecture you thought you needed can maybe be replaced with 20 lines of code that all does something much simpler. (Bonus: if you find that a module works orthogonally to the way you need to use it, just reach in and change it, rather than worrying about getting the changes upstream.)

Requires developers to be more willing to take something into their source tree and take responsibility for it. The current trends involve programmers abdicating this reponsibility. (Which exists whether you ignore it or not; npm-style development doesn't eliminate responsibility, just makes it easier to pretend it isn't there.)

Programs should get faster overnight

I mean this in a literal sense: programs should get faster overnight. If I'm working on a program in the afternoon, the compiler's job should be to build it as quickly as possible. That's it. When I go to sleep, I should be able to leave my machine on and it's then that a background service uses the idle CPU to optimize the binary to use fewer cycles. It would even be free to use otherwise prohibitively heavyweight strategies, like the approach taken by Stanford's STOKE. When I wake up in the morning, there is a very real possibility that I find a completely different (but functionally equivalent, and much faster) binary awaiting me.

In fact, we should start from a state where the first "build" is entirely unnecessary. The initial executables can all be stored as source code which is in the first instance fully interpreted (or JITted). Over the lifetime of my system installation, these would be gradually converted into a more optimized form resembling the "binaries" we're familiar with today (albeit even faster). No waiting on compilers (unless you want to, to try moving the process along), and you can reach in and more easily customize things for your own needs far more easily than what you have to do today to track down right source code and try getting it to build.

Self-culling services

tracker-miner-fs is a process that I'll bet most people aren't interested in. On my machine, a bunch of background Evolution processes are in the same category. Usually when I do a new system install, I'll uninstall these sorts of things, unless there's any resistance at all with respect to complaints from the system package manager about dependencies, in which case I tend to immediately write it off as not worth the effort, at which point I decide that I'll just deal with it and move on.

Occasionally, though, when I've got the system monitor open because I'm being parsimonious about compute time or memory, I'll run into these services again, sitting there in the process list.

To reiterate: these are part of the default install because it's expected that they'll be useful to a wide audience, but a service capable of introspection would be able to realize that despite this optimistic outlook, I've never used or benefited from its services at all, and therefore there's no reason for it to continue trying to serve me.

So package maintainer guidelines should be amended to go further than simply dictating that services like these should be trivially removed with no fuss. The guidelines should say that such background services are prohibited in the default install unless they're sufficiently self-reflective. The onus should be on them to detect if they're going silently unused and then disable or remove themselves.

Code overlays

Sometimes I resort to printf debugging. Sometimes that's more involved than the colloquialism lets on—it may involve more than adding single line printf here and and there; sometimes it requires inserting new control flow statements, allocating and initializing some storage space, etc. Sometimes when going back to try and take them out, it's easy to miss them. It's also tedious to even have to try, rather than just wiping them all out. Source control is superficially the right tool here, but this is the sort of thing you're usually doing just prior to actually committing the thing you've been working on. Even with Git rebase, committing some checkpoint state feels a little heavyweight for this job.

I'd like some sort of "code overlay" mechanism comprising a standardized (vendor- and editor-neutral) format used as an alternative to going in and actually rewriting parts of the code. I.e., something that reinforces the ephemerality and feels more like Wite-Out, or Post-its hovering "on top" of your otherwise untainted code.

This sort of thing could also be made general enough that in-IDE breakpoints could be implemented in terms of a code overlay.

These would ideally be represented visually within the IDE, but there'd be a universally understood way to serialize them to text, in case you actually wanted to process them to be turned into a real patch. If represented conceptually, your editor should still give you the ability to toggle between the visual-conceptual form and the "raw" text form, if you want.

The best part is that there could be tight integration with editor's debugging facilities. So when entering debug mode, what it's really doing is applying these overlays to the underlying file, doing a new build with these in place, and then running it. If the build tool is completely integrated into the IDE, then the modified version of the source tree (i.e. with the overlays applied) would never even get written to disk.

In essence, these would be ephemeral micro patchsets managed by editor itself and not the source control system.


Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are bad. They're the quintessential example of a "now you have two problems" sort of idea. And that's not even a metaphor; the popular quip is about the syntax of regular expressions—it's a direct application of the more general form I'm pushing here.

The sentiment I'm going for isn't too far off from Robert O'Callahan's thoughts about The Costs Of Programming Language Fragmentation, either.

Wikipedia Name System

Wikipedia Name System as a replacement for EV certificates

How I debugged Terobo

by Colby Russell. 2019 May 14.

I encountered some issues during the development of TeroBuild/Terobo. This post discusses how I handled those issues.

Terobo is a replacement for a small runtime called Norebo written by Peter De Wachter. Norebo was originally implemented in C, and its purpose is to act as a bridge from a host system (i.e., your computer) into the world that Wirth's Oberon system expects to inhabit, by simulating it. That means simulating the instruction set of the bespoke RISC design that Wirth cooked up, plus a handful of system calls (or "sysreqs") to interact with the outside world on the host machine.

Under Terobo or Norebo, when an Oberon program uses the Files.Seek or Files.Write APIs within the system, the bridge on the inside of the system relies on the machine code executing no differently than the CPU embodied in real world hardware would, up to and including the branch instruction that jumps from the calling code into subroutine being called. The Norebo bridge at this point, however, attempts to write to a very large memory address: something like 0xFFFFFFFC, or -4 if the bit pattern is interpreted as a 32-bit two's complement signed integer. Since the hardware being emulated has nowhere near 2^32 (4GiB) of memory, this address space is reserved for memory-mapped IO, and it's known that this address in particular is used for making sysreq calls.

Both Terobo and Norebo, simulating the hardware in question, know to intercept reads and writes in this address space and handle them accordingly. For example, the runtimes associate a Files.Seek request with the constant 15. When a machine-level store instruction attempts to write the value 15 to 0xFFFFFFFC, the runtime delegates to an equivalent operation on the side of the bridge rooted in the host system. Otherwise, Terobo is very much concerned only with the fetch/decode/execute cycle present in anything dealing with machine-level instructions. This can pose some problems, especially when it happens on such an obscure platform.

Terobo is using a special build of the Oberon system crafted specifically to operate non-interactively, with no peripherals to provide input and output for the system, making diagnosis difficult when a problem rears its head, given how opaque this works out to be. Disregarding that, the debugging situation even within a full-fledged Oberon system is basically non-existent. Despite the language being an ostensibly "safe" one, Oberon programs—especially the system-level modules that get much of the CPU time within Terobo and Norebo—are perfectly capable of and prone to doing the sorts of things commonly associated with a language like C, such as branching into the void, otherwise dereferencing a bad pointer, or getting caught in an infinite loop, all because, say, my Files API implementation for Terobo is buggy.

So aside from writing perfect code on the first pass, how does one deal with this?

For one, Peter's implementation in C already existed, which was helpful as an overall guide, but not in fixing implementation-specific problems in the code I was writing. (Side note: I'm not a fan of the buffer and typed array design that TC-39 came up with for working with binary data. I find it really cumbersome, and it's fraught with gotchas. For all its problems, I think the way C exposes this kind of stuff to the programmer, if you consider language design as a sort of UI, to be better, even with the proliferation of pointers and the perils of using arithmetic for them.)

Secondly, I'd already begun working on my own interactive gdb-like debugger to operate at the machine-level, allowing you to pause execution by setting breakpoints, peek and poke at memory addresses, disassemble blocks of instructions, and step through execution. Since the debugger fully controlled the machine simulation, I'd even implemented reversible debugging so you could step backwards through code. It's on this basis that I began working on Terobo. Rather than starting from a blank slate, I just forked my debugger (called rewrd), and began patching it in the general direction of Norebo, implementing Peter's design for the special memory mapping scheme I explained earlier.

Here's a look at rewrd in action:

Occasionally, while developing Terobo, there would be problems that I had no idea how to solve, due to how difficult it was trying to peer into a machine operating so opaquely and where you had no bearings. I did already have support for importing source maps to follow an arbitrary machine instruction back to the original line of Oberon source code that was responsible for the position in the current stack frame, although I didn't have any such maps on hand for the binaries distributed in the Norebo directory. Generating them would have been and still is a fairly cumbersome process, and finding out which blocks of memory they mapped to would be something like an order of magnitude even harder than that. I'd also already added a way to produce something akin to core dumps, but this wasn't particularly useful given the absence of any other tools that could process these dumps and communicate anything meaningful about what they'd contain.

Two things that proved invaluable were adding tracing to both my implementation and the C implementation, and I added memory dumps as well. I patched the C implementation to take command-line flags to enable tracing, limit the number of steps the simulated machine would take before halting, or limit the number of memory-mapped sysreq invocations to handle, and upon reaching the limit, immediately dump the machine's memory to disk, along with the binary log containing the execution trace.

I implemented tracing very simply: every time the machine executed an instruction, it would log the memory address of the instruction in question, along with four bytes containing the instruction itself. Based on this, and the same mechanism implemented in Terobo, I could take these traces, convert them into human readable text files using a pipeline, and then diff them, all with tools from the standard UNIX toolbox.

Here's the magic pipeline I used:

od -v -A n -t x4 .../terobo_trace | sed \
  "s/\([^ ]\+\) \([^ ]\+\) /\1 \2\n /"

I was pretty bummed when I checked the man pages for od and didn't find any way to force it to output to two columns (for two four-byte fields) instead of four columns (for 16 bytes per row of output). The sed transformation fixes this, although it can be somewhat slow for very large trace logs—I didn't feel like stopping to write the code to do my own text conversion, though, even though I should have.

Given two textual trace logs, one from my implementation and one from Norebo, the line offset where diff reported a disparity may or may not be the offending instruction. It's possible that due to a bad sysreq implementation of some earlier call, the machine was ending up in a bad state but in such a way it wasn't apparent by looking solely at the execution trace. So having narrowed down a place where a problem was known to occur, I then turned to looking at memory.

If some difference was apparent between Norebo and Terobo's traces at step N, I'd take snapshots of the contents of memory there (only 8MB—up from the 1MB that Oberon ordinarily runs under), and look at how the two compared. I'd then establish the existence of some prior state where the two implementations agreed, and work my way towards the problem area using the familiar process of bisection. It was reasonable, though, to expect in most cases that any given problem that occurred was a result of the implementation for the previous sysreq.

And that's essentially it for half the bugs that I spent my time on.

Of the other half, they turned out being problems either in how I was dealing with asynchronous file reads and attempting to re-enter the fetch/decode/execute loop, or the poor way I'd hacked Terobo on top of rewrd's debugger repl. The debugger ended up being very useful, however.

Even without the class of bugs that wouldn't have occurred had I not decided to start off with rewrd forming the initial basis of the implementation, I'm not sure how much longer development would have taken if I'd not had the interactive debugging shell available. Additionally, I ended up fixing a number bugs and adding features to rewrd as a result of my needs developing Terobo, so there came some other good out of it.

Here, now, is a link (above) to a 2 minute video demonstrating the utility of this work—extremely portable build tooling with no dependencies other than the universally accessible application runtime.

Terobo: a triple script

by Colby Russell. 2019 May 10.

Project Norebo is a build tool for building/bootstrapping Wirth's Project Oberon 2013.

If you're not familiar with Oberon-the-system or Oberon-the-language, know that Project Oberon 2013 itself is a small, single user operating system written in the Oberon programming language, that the latter is a major inspiration for Go (cf Griessemer and Pike), and that the UI for the latter—the Oberon system—even inspired the acme shell Rob Pike created for Plan 9 at Bell Labs, which Russ Cox demonstrates here in the video of A Tour of the Acme Editor.

Back to Norebo and then the showcase for this post: Terobo.

Project Norebo, as Peter de Wachter explains in the README, is a hack for cross-compiling Project Oberon. The standard Oberon compiler is itself written in the Oberon language, which means you'll need some other Oberon compiler to build it. What's more, though, is that existing binaries come in the form of object files that expect to run within the Oberon system—or at least inside something implementing the Oberon system interfaces.

So not only are we faced with the classic bootstrapping problem for self-hosted compilers, but the trough of despair descends one layer deeper than that:

We want to compile Project Oberon, so
We want to run the Oberon compiler, so
We want to compile the Oberon compiler, so
We want to run the Project Oberon system.

This is where Project Norebo comes into play. It's meant both to bootstrap the compiler and to build the Oberon system from source, emitting a disk image that can run on the Oberon RISC emulator. Norebo is implemented partly in Python for the high-level build steps, partly in C for the native runtime that allows UNIX-like systems to emulate both the Oberon hardware and the core Oberon system APIs, and partly in the Oberon language as a bridge to the C runtime from within a locally hacked version of the Oberon system meant to run embedded on the aforementioned C runtime.

This is fine if you have a C compiler, the right Python installed, and if your system is otherwise sufficiently close to match the (possibly unknown) latent assumptions that need to be satisfied in order for the build to go off without a hitch.

Or, as Joe Armstrong relates in a similar anecdote:

So I Googled a bit and I found a project that said you can make nice slide shows in HTML and they can produce decent PDF. And so I downloaded this program, and I followed the instructions, and it said I didn't have grunt installed! […] So I Googled a bit, and I found out what grunt was. Grunt's—I still don't really know what it is, but...

[Then] I downloaded this thing, and I installed grunt, and it said grunt was installed, and then I ran the script that was gonna make my slides... and it said "Unable to find local grunt"[…]

Since Oberon is a small system, we should be able to achieve our build goals from virtually anywhere, Python or no Python. As it turns out, we can do better. Here's a preview:

Terobo and TeroBuild are together a re-implementation of Project Norebo's C-and-Python infrastructure, respectively, but written in the triple script dialect instead. As a triple script, this gives us deterministic builds through Terobo, which is pretty much guaranteed to run on any consumer-grade computer, regardless of what process a person is (or isn't) willing to go through to make sure the right toolchain is set up beforehand. This is because triple scripts require no special toolchain be set up—not even something that seems as pedestrian (or "standard") as /usr/bin/python or a C compiler. A triple script is its own toolchain. In other words, the repo is the IDE.

Neither Terobo, Norebo, or anything involving Oberon is the real focus here. This is personal milestone and a demonstration of the power behind the philosophy of triple scripts, more than anything else.

Stay tuned for more developments related to The latter has been my main side project for the better part of a year, and even though I missed the anticipated launch in the early part of this year—due to long illness and then, subsequent to that, a car accident—I'm going to continue plugging away. I truly expect to become kind of a Big Deal and, as I've characterized it in the past, to end up winning if for no other reason than through sheer tenacity and the convenience it will afford both software maintainers and potential contributors alike.

Further viewing/reading:

How to displace JS

by Colby Russell. 2019 March 6.

JS has gotten everywhere. It drives the UI of most of the apps created to run on the most accessible platform in the world (the web browser). It has been uplifted into Node and Electron for widespread use on the backend, on the command-line, and on the desktop. It's also being used for mobile development and to script IOT devices, too.

So how did we get here? Let's review history, do some programmer anthropology, and speculate about some sociological factors.

JS's birth and (slightly delayed) ascent begins roughly contemporaneous with its namesake—Java. Java, too, has managed to go many places. In the HN comments section in response to a recent look back at a 2009 article in IEEE Spectrum titled "Java’s Forgotten Forebear", user tapanjk writes:

Java is popular [because] it was the easiest language to start with

In the early 2000s in particular, this meant that you could expect to find tons of budding programmers adopting Java on university campuses, owing to Sun's intense campaign to market the language as a fixture in many schools' CS programs. Also around this time, you could expect its runtime—the JRE—to be already installed on upwards of 90% of prospective users' machines. This was true even when the systems running those machines were diverse. There was a (not widely acknowledged) snag to this, though:

As a programmer, you still had to download the authoring tools necessary for doing the development itself. So while the JRE's prevalence meant that it was probably already present on your own machine (in addition to those of your users), its SDK was not. The result is that Java had a non-zero initial setup cost for authoring even the most trivial program before you could get it up and running and putting its results on display.

Sidestepping this problem is where JS succeeded.

HTML and JS—in contrast to not just Java, but most mainstream programming tools—were able to drive the setup cost down to zero. When desktop operating systems were still the default mode of computing, you could immediately go from non-developer to developer without downloading, configuring, or otherwise wrangling any kind of SDK. This meant that in addition to being able to test the resulting code anywhere (by virtue of a free browser preinstalled on upwards of 97% of consumer and business desktops), you could also get started writing that code without ever really needing anything besides what your computer came with out of the box.

You might think that the contemporary JS dev ecosystem would leverage this—having started out on good footing and then having a couple decades to improve upon it. But weirdly, it doesn't work like that.

JS development today is, by far, dominated by the NodeJS/NPM platform and programming style. There's evidence that some people don't even distinguish between the NodeJS ecosytem and JS development more generally. For many, JS development probably is the NodeJS ecosystem and the NodeJS programming style is therefore seen as intrinsic to the way and form of JS.

In the NodeJS world, developers working in this mindest have abandoned one of the original strengths of the JS + browser combo and more or less replicated the same setup experience that you deal with on any other platform. Developer tunnel vision might trick a subset of the developers who work in this space into thinking that this isn't true, but the reality is that for NPM-driven development in 2019, it is. Let's take a look. We'll begin with rough outline of a problem/goal, and observe how we expect to have to proceed.

Suppose there's a program you use and you want to make changes to it. It's written for platform X.

With most languages that position themselves for general purpose development, you'll start out needing to work through an "implicit step 0", as outlined above in the Java case study. It involves downloading an SDK (even if that's not what it's called in those circles), which includes the necessary dev tools and/or maybe a runtime (subject to the implementation details of that platform).

After finding out where to download the SDK and then doing exactly that, you might then spend anywhere from a few seconds or minutes to what might turn out to be a few days wrestling with it before it's set up for your use. You might then try to get a simple "hello, world"-style program on the screen, or you might skip that and dive straight into working on the code for the program that you want to change.

Contemporary JS development really doesn't look all that different from this picture—even if the task at hand is to do "frontend" work meant to run in the browser—which was the predominant use of JS early in its lifetime, when it still did have zero setup cost.

I have a theory that most people conceptualize progress as this monotonically increasing curve over time, but progress is actually punctuated. It's discrete. And the world even tolerates regress in this curve. If engaged directly on this point, we'd probably find that for the most part any given person will readily acknowledge that this is the true character of that curve, but when observed from afar we'll see that most are more likely to appear as if in a continual motte-and-bailey situation with themselves—that their thoughts and actions more closely resemble that of a person who buys into the distorted version of progress, despite the ready admission of the contrary.

Steve Klabnik recently covered the idea of discrete and punctuated progress in his writeup about leaving Mozilla:

at each stage of a company’s growth, they have different needs. Those needs generally require different skills. What he enjoyed, and what he had the skills to do, was to take a tiny company and make it medium sized. Once a company was at that stage of growth, he was less interested and less good at taking them from there.

The corollary to Steve's boss's observation is that there's stuff (people, practices, et cetera) present in later phases and to which we can directly attribute the success and growth during that phase, but that these things could have or would have doomed the earlier phases. It seems that this is obviously true for things like platforms and language ecosystems and not just companies.

To reiterate: JS's inherent zero-cost setup was really helpful in the mid-to-late 2000s. That was its initial foot in the door, and it was instrumental in helping JS reach critical mass. But that property hasn't carried over into the phase where devs have graduated to working on more complex projects, because as the projects have grown in complexity, the tooling and setup requirements have grown, too.

So JS, where it had zero setup costs before, now has them for any moderate-to-large-scale project. And the culture has changed such that its people are now treating even the small projects the same as the complex ones—the first thing a prospective developer trying to "learn to code" with JS will encounter is the need to get past the initial step zero—for "setting up a development environment". (This will take the form of explicit instructions if the aspiring developer is lucky enough to catch the ecosystem at the right time and maybe with the help of a decent mentor, or if the aspiring developer is unlucky and the wind isn't blowing in a particularly helpful way, then it may be an implicit assumption that they will manage to figure things out.) And developers who have experience working on projects at the upper end of the complexity spectrum also end up dealing with the baggage of implicit step zero for their own small projects—usually because they've already been through setup and are hedging with respect to a possible future where the small project grows wildly successful and YAGNI loses to the principle of PGNI (probably gonna needed it).

Jamie Brandon in 2014 gave some coverage to this phenomenon on the Light Table Blog (albeit from the perspective of Clojure) in a post titled "Pain We Forgot".

To pull an example from the world of JS, let's look at the create-react-app README, which tells you to run the commands:

npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start

What assumptions does it make? First, that you're willing to, able to, and already have downloaded and installed NodeJS/NPM to your system; secondly, that you've gone through the process of actually running npm install create-react-app, and that you've waited for it to complete successfully.

(You might interject to say that I'm being overly critical here—that by the time you're looking at this README, then you're well past this point. That's the developer tunnel vision I referred to earlier.)

Additionally I'll note that if we suppose that you've started from little more than a blank slate (with a stock computer + NodeJS/NPM installed), then creating a "hello, world" app by running the following command:

npm install create-react-app && npx create-react-app foo

... will cost you around 1.5 minutes (in the best cases) while you wait for the network and around half a GB of disk space.

If JS's early success in the numbers game is largely a result of a strength that once existed but is now effectively regarded as non-existent, does that open up the opportunity for another platform to gobble up some easy numbers and bootstrap its way to critical mass?

Non-JS, JS-like languages like Haxe and Dart have been around for a while and are at least pretending to present themselves as contenders, vying for similar goals (and beyond) as what JS is being used for today. And then there are languages nothing like JS, like Lua, which has always touted its simplicity. And then there is the massive long-tail of other languages not named here (and that possibly haven't even been designed and implemented yet).

What could a successful strategy look like for a language that aimed to displace JS?

If you come from a JS background, you might argue that you still have the option of foregoing all the frameworks and tooling which have obviated JS's zero setup strength. As I alluded to before, though: rarely does anyone actually run a project like that. So while "hello, world" is still theoretically easy, the problem is twofold:

Which is to say, that in either case as a developer, you're going to run into this stuff, because it's what people are pushing in this corner of the world. And therefore the door is wide open for a contender to disrupt things.

So the question is whether it's possible to contrive a system (a term I'll use to loosely refer to something involving a language, an environment, and a set of practices) built around the core value that zero-cost setup is important—even if the BDFL and key players only maintain that stance up to the point where the ecosystem has reached a similar place as contemporary JS in its development arc. Past this point, it would be a free option to abandon that philosophy, or—in order to protect the ecosystem from disruption by others—to maintain it. It would be smart for someone with these ambitions to shoot for the latter option from the beginning and take the appropriate steps early to maintain continuity through all its phases, rather than having to bend and make the same compromises that JS has.

I didn't set out when writing this post to offer any solutions or point to any existing system, as if to say, "that's the one!". The main goal here is to identify problems and opportunities and posit, Feynman-style (cf There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom), that there's low-hanging fruit here, money on the table, etc.

What happened in January?

by Colby Russell. 2019 February 15.


Last summer, I began work on a collection of projects with a common theme. The public face of those efforts was and is meant to be

But wait, if you type that into the address bar, it's empty. (If you're reading from the future, here's an link of the triplescripts front page as it existed today.) So what's the deal?

In December, I set the launch date for January 7. This has been work that I'm genuinely excited about, so I was happy to have a date locked down for me to unveil it. (Although, as I mentioned on Fritter, I've been anticipating that it will succeed through tenacity—a slow burn, rather than an immediate smash hit.)

Starting in the final week before that date, a bunch of real life occurrences came along that ended up completely wrecking my routine. Among these—and the main thing that is still the most relevant issue as I write this now—is that I managed to get sick three times. That's three distinct periods with three different sets of symptoms, and separate, unambiguous (but brief) recoveries in between. So it's now a month and a week after the date I had set for launch, and has no better face than the blurby, not-even-a-landing-page that I dumped there a few months back, and these ups and downs have me fairly deflated. Oh well for now. Slow burn.

Unloading a month's thoughts

The title of this post is a reference to Nadia Eghbal's monthly newsletter, which has been appearing in the inbox under the title "Things that happened in $MONTH". I like that. Note, in case you're misled by bad inference on the title, that the newsletter is about ideas, not autobiographical details.

I've seen some public resolutions, or references to resolutions by others, to publish more on personal sites and blogs in 2019 (such as this Tedium article on blogging in 2019). I don't make New Year's resolutions, so I was not among them. But I like the tone, scope, and monthly cadence in the idea behind "Things that happened". So on that note alone—and not motivated by a tradition of making empty promises for positive change when a new year begins—I think I will commit to a new outlook and set of practices about writing that follows in the vein of that newsletter.

The idea is to publish once a month, at minimum, everything that I considered that month as having been "in need of a good writeup", and to do so regardless of the state it's actually reaches by the end of the month—so something on the topic will go out even if it never made it to draft phase. Like continuous integration for written thought.

Although when you think about it, what's with all the self-promises, of, you know, writing up a thorough exegesis on your topic in the first place? Overwhelming public sentiment is that there's too much longform content. As even the admirable and respectable Matt Baer of put it, "Journalism isn't dead, it just takes too damn long to read." (Keep in mind this is from the mouth (hand) of a man whose main business endeavor at the moment hinges on convincing people to write more.) And this is what everyone keeps saying is the value proposition of Twitter, anyway, right? High signal, low commitment, and low risk that you'll end up snoring.

Ideas are what matter, not personal timelines. I mentioned above that Nadia's newsletter is light on autobiographical details, as it should be. Sometimes I see that people aren't inspired to elaborate on any particular thought, but find themselves in a context where they're writing—maybe as a result of some feeling of obligation—so they settle into relaying information about how they've spent themselves over some given time period—information that even their future self offset a couple months down the line wouldn't find interesting. So these monthly integration dumps will remain light on autobiographical details, except in circumstances where those details fulfill some supporting role to set the scene or otherwise better explain the idea that's in focus.

Unlinked identity

I'm opposed to life logs in general. I hate GitHub contribution graphs, for example, because they're just a minor variation of the public timeline concept from any social network, and I've always disliked those. This is one reason I never fully got on board with Keybase.

Keybase's social proofs are pretty neat, the addressing based on them is even neater, and in general I feel some goodwill and positive thought toward what I perceived as Keybase's aspirations towards some sort of yet-to-be-defined integration point as your identity provider. But I realized a thing a few months after finally signing up for Keybase, which is that their implementation violates a personal rule of mine: participation in online communities originates from unlinked identities, always.

When I was throwing my energy into Mozilla (and Mozilla was throwing its weight in the direction of ideals it purported to be working for), Facebook Connect was the big evil. The notion that the way to participate—or, as in the worst cases, even just to consume—could happen only if you agreed to "Sign in with Facebook" (and later, with Google; nowadays it's Twitter and GitHub), was a thing unconscionable. BrowserID clearly lost, but the arguments underpinning its creation and existence in the first place are still valid.

I'm not sold by the pitch of helping me remember how I spend my time. I'm not interested in the flavor of navelgazing that you get from social networks giving you a look back at yourself N months or years down the line. And we should all be much less interested, further still, in the way that most social networks' main goal is to broadcast those things to help others get that kind of a look at you, too.

Look at it like this: if you and I work together—or something like that—then that's fine. You know? That's the context we share. If I go buy groceries or do something out in public and we happen run into each other, that would be fine, too. But if one of my coworkers sat outside my place to record my comings and goings, and then publicized that info to be passively consumed by basically anyone who asked for it, then that would not be okay.

My point is, I like the same thing online. If I'm contributing to a project, for example, I'm happy to do so with my real name. If you're in that circle (or even just lurking there) and as a result of some related interest you run into my name in some other venue, then, hey, happy coincidence. But I'm less interested in giving the world a means to click through to my profile and find a top-level index of my activity—and that's true without any desire to hide my activity or, say, my politics, as I've seen in some cases. After all, if that were the goal, it would be much easier just to use a pseudonym.

So I say this as a person with profoundly uninteresting comings and goings— but I realize that giving coverage to this topic from this angle will probably trigger the "what are you trying to hide?" reflex. Like I said, I use my real name. My email address and cell phone number are right there in the middle of the landing page, which is more than you can say for most people. (I've mentioned before how weird it is that 25 years ago, you could look anyone up in the phonebook, but today having something like that available seems really intrusive.) Besides, not even the Keybase folks themselves buy the pitch; at this time, the most recent post to their company blog is the introduction of Keybase Exploding Messages. And Snapchat's initial popularity says something about how much the general public truly feels about the value of privacy, despite how often the "if you have nothing to hide…" argument shows up.

So in the case of Keybase, keep the social proofs and keep the convenient methods of addressing, but also keep all those proofs and identities unlinked. I don't need a profile. Just let me create the proofs, the same principle in play when I prove everywhere else online that I control the email I used to sign up, but it need not tie into anything larger than that single connection. Just let my client manage all the rest, locally.

Unacknowledged un-

Sometimes an adage is trotted out that goes roughly like this:

Welp, it's not perfect, but it's better than nothing!

And sometimes that's true. It's at least widely understood to be true, I think.

What I don't see mentioned, ever, is that sometimes "it's better than nothing" is really, really not true. In some cases, something is worse than nothing.

My argument:

Voids are useful, because when they exist you can point to them and trivially get people to acknowledge that they exist. There's something missing. A bad fix for a real problem, though, takes away the one good thing about a void.

For example, consider a fundraising group that (ostensibly) exists to work on a solution towards some cause—something widely accepted to be a real problem. Now consider if, since first conception, and in the years intervening, it's more or less provable that the group is not actually doing any work to those ends, or at least not doing very good work when measured against some rubric.

Briefly: we could say that the org is some measure of incompetent and/or ineffective.

The problem now is that our hypothetical organization's mere existence is sucking all the air out of the room and hampering anyone who might come along and actually change things.

That is, even though we can argue rationally that their activity is equivalent to a void, it's actually worse than a void, since—once again—you can point to voids and say, "Look, we really need to do something about this!", but it's harder to do that here. Say something about the underlying problem—the one that the org was meant to solve—and you'll get railroaded in the direction of the org.

So these phenomena are a sort of higher order void. They're equivalent with respect to their total lack of contribution to forward progress on the issue we care about, but then what they also do is disguise their existence and act like sinks, so not even the potential energy stored nearby never gets put to effective use.


Other stuff from January that requires coverage here, but doesn't exist in longform:

Mozilla and feedback loops

by Colby Russell. 2018 October 11.

My "coming of age" story as a programmer is one where Mozilla played a big part and came at a time before the sort of neo-OSS era that GitHub ushered in. It's been a little over 5 years, though, since I decided to wrap things up in my involvement and called it quits on a Mozilla-oriented future for various reasons.

More recently—but still some time ago, compared to now—in a conversation about what was wrong with the then-current state of Mozilla, I wrote out a response with my thoughts but ultimately never sent it. Instead, it lingered in my drafts. I'm posting it here now both because I was reminded of it a few weeks ago from a very unsatisfying exchange with a developer still at Mozilla when a post from his blog came across my radar, and because, as I say below, it contains a useful elaboration on a general phenomenon not specific to Mozilla, and I find it worthwhile to publish. I have edited it from the original.

It should also be noted that the message ends on a somewhat anti-cynical note, with the implication of a possibility left open for a brighter future, but the reality is that the things that have gone on under the Mozilla banner since then amount to a sort of gross shitshow—the kind of thing jwz would call "brand necrophilia". So whatever residual hope I had five years ago, or at the time I first tried to write this, is now fairly far past gone, and the positivity sounds a little misplaced. Nonetheless, here it is.

in-reply-to: [REDACTED]

Developer's Lazyweb

by Colby Russell. 2018 January 24.

Given the churn induced by social coding sites like GitHub, we need a place to consult whose purpose is to stem the NIH tide. Like the opposite of a real life Lazyweb, the intent of posts are not desperate, hail mary requests to be spoonfed solutions; the implication is instead, "Hey, I'm very definitely about to go off and implement this unless someone speaks up. So if it already exists, let me know so that I don't end up creating something that the world didn't actually need any more of."

The contributor's dilemma, or the patch paradox

by Colby Russell. 2017 August 6.

You know from history that open source has always been shaped far more by the people who showed up with a working implementation compared to writing a comment that says, "I think we should do it like this". This is the "patches speak louder than words" school of thought.

At the same time, you know it's a good idea to confirm beforehand that there's an acknowledgement from upstream of the problem and an agreement about the general approach for the solution, so you don't waste your time.


Nobody wants to work on infrastructure

by Colby Russell. 2017 June 14.

I read a piece once from someone on the theme of "things I know, but that no one else seems to". Briefly, here's one from me:

Nobody wants to work on infrastructure. This means that if you get an infusion of cash that leaves you with a source of funding for your project, and if you have any aspirations at all of attracting a community of volunteers—that is, people who will put in work to help out, despite having no obligation to you or your project—then the absolute first thing you should start throwing money at is making sure all the boring stuff that on one wants to work on is taken care of.*

Not realizing that you need to remove the roadblocks that prevent you from scaling up the number of unpaid contributors and contributions is like finding a genie and not checking to see if your first wish could be for more wishes.

This is a topic that would benefit from case studies. Examples (of projects that get this wrong) aren't scarce, but I'll save that writeup for another time.

*Note that "boring stuff" includes not just building and keeping things running, but also the boring job of continuously casting a critical eye at the contribution process itself to figure out what those things even are.

Novel ideas for programming language design

by Colby Russell. 2017 February 16.

Short variable names prohibited by grammar

Naming things using a single letter is consistently identified as a bad practice, and is even acknowledged as such by those who admit to sometimes "slipping up" and doing it themselves. So why not solve this by eliminating single-letter names in the grammar altogether?

Many languages adopt a rule that says, roughly, "identifiers must start with a letter which can be followed by one or more letters and digits". (Some allow for special characters like _ and $, too.) Or, in EBNF:

ident = letter { letter | digit };

Initially, we might suggest changing the rule to "identifiers must start with a letter which must be followed by one or more letters, digits, or symbols", which means the minimum length for a valid identifier is 2. With two-letter identifiers, though, single-letter programmers will likely end up throwing in another consonant or tacking on an underscore, thereby satisfying the language's rules, but subverting their spirit. I think the tipping point is 3. With a minimum length of 3, the ridiculousness of trying to thwart the rules without actually increasing the readibilty of the code becomes apparent even to the stalwarts, which should result in few hold outs.


Type-named objects

Consider the following snippet:

PROCEDURE PassFocus* (V: Viewer);
  VAR M: ControlMessage;
BEGIN := defocus;
  FocusViewer := V;
END PassFocus;

(This is Oberon. It has flaws—annoying ones. Oberon is not my favorite language. I'm comfortable presenting the examples here in Oberon, however, because this snippet should be more or less understandable even to those who've never seen its syntax, and if I'm going to present any example, I'm going to do it in a dead language that no one really uses, so as not to play favorites and put undue focus on the one chosen.)

Note the use of the single-letter identifier V in the parameter list and the local variable M. Our V can be easily changed to viewer, and that would probably be the prescription in most code reviews where the initial naming would be seen as a problem. However, we're now running afoul of an awful lot of repetition, which is a frequent criticism of many languages with static type systems. It's often pointed out with classic Java for example that almost any time you do something, you end up repeating yourself, sometimes up to three times. E.g.:

FrobbedFoo frobbedFoo = new FrobbedFoo(bar);

This is why C#'s var keyword is seen as an improvement, and JVM languages have by now adopted similar constructs.

It's also said that naming things is one of the hardest things in CS. The line above raises other questions, too. For our frobbedFoo should we perhaps be giving the local variable another name that describes it as something else? We're obviously dealing with a FrobbedFoo, and it is redundant to refer to it as such, so should we prefer to name it after its purpose in this context, i.e., what its role is in the procedure, rather than what kind of thing it is?

With type-named objects, we answer this hand-wringing by acknowledging that in many cases, the type alone is sufficient—not merely sufficient for the machine, but for the human reader, too. In languages with support for type-named objects, we therefore need not always give an object an explicit name. Instead we unambiguously refer to it in the local context using its type.

For example, one approach to designing a language with type-named objects would be to disambiguate with keyword the. The example above becomes:

PROCEDURE PassFocus* (Viewer);
  VAR ControlMessage;
  (the ControlMessage).id := defocus;
  FocusViewer.handle(the ControlMessage);
  FocusViewer := the Viewer;
END PassFocus;

Compared to our single-letter identifiers in the preceding snippet, this results in more typing, but the programmer isn't pressed to stop and think of intermediate names to give to the two objects local to the procedure. This will allow for maintaining an uninterrupted train of thought, and despite the higher demand for "human IO", type-bound objects should be more productive and viewed as a programmer convenience.


Inverted selectors

Many languages have a receiver.member selector syntax, to select slot member of receiver. This is used both to access fields of records/structs/objects and to reference functions or other procedures—i.e., methods. Here we discuss an "inverted" selector syntax, so that the receiver.member above can become member @ receiver. This on its own is probably no significant benefit, but consider it in the context of a subroutine, paired with language support for type-named objects:

PROCEDURE PassFocus* (Viewer);
  VAR ControlMessage;
  id @ the ControlMessage := defocus;
  FocusViewer.handle(the ControlMessage);
  FocusViewer := the Viewer;
END PassFocus;

This @-notation is generalizable. I've wondered before why I don't see many (any?) languages offer a "passive" form to refer to members.

If the culture of the language under discussion is one that involves an overall pursuit to avoid magic symbols (e.g., Python and Wirth languages like Pascal and Ada), then the keyword from might be used, viz.

id from the ControlMessage


The from keyword, if not already present in the language grammar (for use in some other context), may be problematic—it's hard to add keywords to a language, because it can end up making code that worked in version n-1 suddenly invalid code (reserved word used as an identifier). Contrast this the suggestion regarding the for discriminating type-named objects—I expect use of the as an identifier in the wild to be rare. So in the case of from, a semantically similar word like of might be used in its place. Failing that then for, although it reads slightly awkwardly, wouldn't be a completely inappropriate choice, and it's likely to already be a reserved word. The language designers just need to be comfortable allowing it to appear in two constructs, each one in which it has a completely different meaning.


by Colby Russell. 2017 February 15.

Welp. Stuff happened in the last year. When I last wrote, I mentioned cleaning up drafts from my personal notes to be published. They're still all in my notes, and none are here.

I have concrete plans over the next two weeks to post specific writeups. There is now a content feed by request.
